Sunday, February 22, 2009

Don't Have a Bad 3 Person Experience

If you have had a Bad 3 Person Experience (or if you don’t want to have one)

Please do not despair, if you have had a bad or
disturbing three person experience.

Be aware of any situation that you are walking into, is it
just for sex or is it for more? Get to know the people you
are interested in. Don't just jump right in, without
testing the water. Too much to ask? I think not.

Today there are a wide variety of situations, it is
very difficult to see others real motives.

The best way to not be in a bad situation is to not let
yourself get into a possible bad situation. Sounds simple,
well it is not, it takes a bit of logic and investigation.

Hence why I live by the honesty and full disclosure policy.
Knowing the truth up front and agreeing upon how far
you want to go. Never do more than you want to do!

If you feel uncomfortable or spooked in any way, get
out of the situation. If you need to leave, say you are
not feeling right and walk out smiling.

Have patience and try not to be over eager. A three
person relationship is a long road, but it is well worth the trip.

Try again another time with people you feel more
comfortable with. People that you understand
and trust. You will be glad you did.

[REPOST - 2007]

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